Blackberry, Darrow
Rubus 'Darrow'
12-24 inches height at sale, bare root
Sourced from NY
Up to 5 ft. Harvest in 2 years. Ripe August.
Darrow is a thorny, erect blackberry variety which has been developed at Cornell University and selected for cold hardiness. Darrow produces fruit on laterals of the floricanes.
Shoots grow from the ground on blackberries. First year shoots are called primocanes. Canes two years and older are called floricanes. These older canes produce side shoots or branches known as laterals, this is where the fruit is produced.
Trellis Systems by NC State Extension
Blackberry Variety Review, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Site Preparation and Spacing, NC State Extension
Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden, Ohio State University Extension