Fir, Balsam
Abies balsamea
8-14" tall at sale, bare root
Native to Vermont
Sourced from New York
Christmas tree and wreath making
General Information
Recommended Spacing (ft)
8 - 10
Mature Width (ft)
20 - 25
Mature Height (ft)
40 - 60
Annual Growth Rate (in)
Sun Preference
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Soil Type
Sandy, Loamy, Acidic
Soil Moisture
Well-drained, Moist
This northern native evergreen is an excellent addition to buffer zone plantings or drier portions along the edges of wetland areas. It tolerates low-fertility, acidic sites, and does well in both dry and wet areas. It provides winter cover for birds and small mammals, and makes for a favorite Christmas tree.
Photo Credit
Photo by Jill Weber, Native Plant Trust
Oregon State University