Spruce, White
Picea glauca
Family: Pinaceae
15-24" tall at sale
Native to Vermont
Sourced from New York
Up to 60 ft. Wildlife habitat.
General Information
Recommended Spacing (ft)
10 - 20
Mature Width (ft)
10 - 20
Mature Height (ft)
40 - 60
Annual Growth Rate (in)
13 - 24
Sun Preference
Full Sun
Soil Type
Loamy, Sandy, Clay, Acidic
Soil Moisture
Well-drained, Moist
White spruce is a cold climate species, one of the first to colonize after glaciers recede. The waxy coating on its needles gives it a blue-green appearance. It is the most commercially important timber species in the far north woods, used for wood fiber, house logs, and musical instruments. In backyards it serves as important winter shelter for birds, and in forests it provides cover for moose, martens, and lynx. And, of course, it makes a perfect Christmas tree.