On Saturday, June 29th, the Missisquoi River Fishing Festival was hosted by the Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation District, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Champlain Valley Trout Unlimited, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, Enosburgh Conservation Commission, Missisquoi River Basin Association, and others in Enosburg. This event was designed for families and people of all ages to celebrate fishing in Franklin County. With a number of stations, activities, fishing, and opportunities to learn, the Fishing Festival hoped to encourage more people to connect with the rivers, fish, and wildlife traveling through our communities.
It was a great day on the Missisquoi River with stations to learn about:
Identifying Fish with US Fish & Wildlife
Identifying Invasive Plants Station
Macroinvertebrate Station
Fishing in the Missisquoi
Franklin County NRCD Community Art Station
Knot Tying Station
Fly Tying Station
Connecting Streams Station
Make a Pond Station
Backyard Bass Fishing Station
We hosted a raffle at which all attendees were able to take home a bit of fishing gear with them from Hog Island Wholesale to keep the fun going all summer! Thanks to Cheese-Us for providing food on site for purchase for folks who attended. And thank you to everyone who came out to volunteer, fish, learn, and celebrate the river that runs through our communities!
This event received funding from the Upper Missisquoi and Trout Rivers Wild & Scenic Committee who collaborates with partners and communities to promote activities that protect, enhance, and encourage enjoyment of our rivers.
Resources to learn more:
Fishing Resources from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department: https://vtfishandwildlife.com/fishÂ
Conservation Resources from the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department: https://vtfishandwildlife.com/conserveÂ
Resources from the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program from the US Fish and Wildlife Service: https://www.fws.gov/program/partners-fish-and-wildlifeÂ
Resources from Trout Unlimited - Champlain Valley Chapter: https://vttu.org/Â
Where to purchase fishing gear: Hog Island Market and Hog Island Wholesale Bait and Tackle https://www.facebook.com/HogIslandMarket/ and https://hogislandbait.com/
Information on Fishing Licenses: https://vtfishandwildlife.com/licenses-and-lotteries/license-centerÂ
Information on Fishing Licenses for members of Vermont state recognized tribal citizens: https://vtfishandwildlife.com/newsroom/vermont-state-recognized-tribal-citizen-licenses-available-in-2021Â
