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Stream Wise

Franklin County NRCD is now offering Stream Wise assessments for Franklin County property owners that live along rivers and streams. We are partnering with the Lake Champlain Basin Program and other watershed organizations to help Franklin County streamside property owners improve stream stewardship and protect water quality.

River with riffles and rocks bordered by green trees.

Why should we be
Stream Wise?

Healthy streams are home to fish and wildlife, provide vital drinking water, create endless recreation and relaxation opportunities, protect us against floods, and provide beautiful landscapes across our mountains and valleys. These healthy streams need naturally vegetated buffers to protect streambanks, water quality, and wildlife. Protecting our rivers and streams is protecting our homes, our communities, and our shared land.

Sign up for a free
Stream Wise assessment today!

Do you have a streamside property? Click the button below to sign up for a free evaluation:




Please contact or call 802-528-4159 with any further questions.

Woman sitting on rock by river.
River and marsh with fall leaf backdrop.

Want to know more?

To learn more about Stream Wise and access helpful resources for streamside property owners, visit:

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