Here at the District we recognize the hard work it has taken to clear trees from land where farmers now pasture and grow crops. At the same time, wherever they’re not directly in the way of agriculture or other projects, trees provide enormous benefits. Especially along streams, rivers and lakes, trees reduce streambank erosion, filter nutrients, slow floodwaters, provide shade and cool water temperatures, and provide food and shelter for birds, fish and other wildlife. Of course trees also capture carbon from the atmosphere. In the right context, trees can provide building materials, food for people (think apples or butternuts), cultural items (Christmas trees, spring pussy willows, or black ash for Abenaki baskets), crop protection from harsh winds or pollution, shade for livestock, and much more.
This past spring the District worked with five landowners to plant over seven acres of trees. Included were a windbreak for a livestock farm in the Islands, trees for livestock shade and habitat at a dairy in Highgate, stream protection and habitat projects along the Hungerford Brook and Black Creek, and a large wetland planting along the west shore of Fairfield Swamp. Already the new trees have received weed control, deer repellant soap, and water (during the drought, where practical), and we will continue that work over the next three years to give these new trees the best chance we can. Are you a farm looking to install trees for any purpose, or anyone with a stream that could use trees? Get in touch!