WHEN - Friday, April 22nd, 2022 (Earth Day) from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
~feel free to attend for any portion of this day~
WHERE - 313 Hiram Road, Fairfield, VT 05455
Directly across from the Fairfield Swamp Wildlife Management Area
~Please note, there is not a lot of parking on site, so carpooling is recommended, and depending on site conditions, we may end up
needing to create a shuttle system to the site~
WHAT - Planting ~1300 trees and shrubs for habitat restoration
WHAT TO BRING - Shovel, gloves, sunscreen, bug spray, water, lunch
~whatever you need to feel comfortable for the day~
As many hands as possible are welcome!
Please RSVP by emailing either:
Lauren Weston, District Manager
info@FranklinCountyNRCD.org or 802-528-4176
Kate Wettergreen, ECO AmeriCorps Member