Are you interested in learning more about the soil on your property? Want to know more about soil science and green stormwater practices from a Vermont expert?
Join the Franklin County Stormwater Collaborative and Franklin County Natural Resources
Conservation District on Thursday, March 23rd, at 6pm on Zoom or in-person to learn about
how soil composition affects water quality and stormwater runoff in the Lake Champlain basin and how to implement do-it-yourself green stormwater practices, such as rain gardens.
Katy Dynarski, Projects Coordinator at the Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation
District, will start the workshop by leading a presentation on soil science, why managing
stormwater is important and what you can do at home to soak up and filter excess stormwater.
For those who are participating in-person, Katy will then lead the group on a stormwater
infrastructure walk into Taylor Park. Hope you can make it!
If you plan to attend in-person, please RSVP via Facebook at: (feel
free to show up if you haven’t RSVPed. This just helps us plan!)
The in-person event will be hosted at St. Albans City Hall Council Chambers, located at 100
N Main St, St Albans City, VT 05478
For Zoom only registration, sign-up here:
