2021 Public Comment Period - October 13 to November 12, 2021
The Watershed Investment Division is developing the 5-year update of the 2016 Lamoille Tactical Basin Plan. We have reviewed the list of actions from the 2016 plan and have developed an updated list of actions for 2021.
During January through April of 2020, we asked for your feedback to better understand your knowledge, concerns, and activities in relation to water quality in the Lamoille River Basin (Basin 7) both locally and watershed wide. This information was used in the development of the 2021 Basin 7 Plan. We received 139 responses.
The final draft of the plan will be available for review and public comment from October 13 to November 12, 2021. A hybrid virtual and in-person meeting will be held on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 6PM in Hyde Park, and in satellite locations hosted by our partners in Jericho, Fairfax, Greensboro, and Berlin. Comments on the plan can be submitted from October 13 to November 12, 2021, via email to anr.basin7comments@vermont.gov.
2021 Hybrid Public Meeting Information - October 14 at 6PM
ATTEND ONLINE: Join the 2021 Lamoille Tactical Basin Plan Public Meeting Online at https://bit.ly/3hBp1A7 or call in to 802-828-7667. Conference ID: 865792146#
ATTEND IN PERSON: In Hyde Park with the Watershed Planner and the Lamoille County Planning Commission (RPC) and Natural Resource Conservation District (NRCD); in Jericho with the Chittenden County RPC and the Winooski NRCD; in Greensboro with the Caledonia County NRCD and the Northeastern Development Association; in Fairfax with Northwest RPC and Franklin County NRCD; or in Berlin with the Central Vermont RPC.
MEETING LOCATIONS (masks are required at all venues unless otherwise noted):
Green Mountain Tech & Career Center
738 VT-15, Hyde Park, VT
Jericho Town Office Meeting Room
67 VT-15, Jericho, VT
Greensboro Town Hall
North Room, 81 Laurendon Ave, Greensboro, VT
Fairfax Town Hall
12 Buck Hollow Rd, Fairfax, VT
Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce
33 Stewart Rd, Berlin, VT
The central meeting, presented by the Watershed Planner in Hyde Park, will be recorded and published to this webpage the following day. The final plan should be completed by December 2021. If you have questions or comments about the planning process or reccomendations for plan priorities, please contact your Basin 7 Watershed Planner, Danielle Owczarski, by email at Danielle.Owczarski@vermont.gov or by phone at 802-490-6176.
More information: https://dec.vermont.gov/water-investment/watershed-planning/tactical-basin-planning/basin7
